123systems – $10/Year 128MB Yearly Linux VPS Special

March 21, 2011 by · 2 Comments 

123Systems recently added a new plan (Linux-128MB-Special), Prices are:$10/Year,$20/2 Years,$30/3 Years.This plan includes the following features:

Instant Setup!
Guaranteed RAM: 128MB
Burstable RAM: 128MB
Disk Space: 5GB
Bandwidth: 250GB/Month
1 IP Address
SolusVM Control Panel

You can order this package at this below link:


This package is an official package and will has no expiration date, It applies to all new and/or existing customers.

YardVPS – $15/Year 128MB OpenVZ VPS

October 25, 2010 by · Leave a Comment 

PhotonVPS has emailed me about their announcement of YardVPS, a “new brand of completely unmanaged VPS”. VPS packages start from$15/Year . You get

  • 128MB guaranteed/256MB burstable memory
  • 10GB storage
  • 500GB/month data transfer
  • OpenVZ/SolusVM

Servers will be at the same DC where the other services from Profuse Solutions are — Los Angeles CA. Here is one related WHT thread about them. Domain is indeed only registered 3 weeks ago but do remember that they are a new brand of an existing player that has pretty good support from Asia.

LNMP – A tool to auto-compile & install & manage Nginx+MySQL+PHP on Linux

January 21, 2010 by · 3 Comments 

LNMP is a tool to auto-compile & install & manage Nginx+MySQL+PHP on Linux.

The current version : 0.3 ,Now support Linux distribution : CentOS 4.8~5.4 32/64bit,  Debian 4.0~5.0  32bit/64bit ,Ubuntu.

The programme installed in LNMP:
Zend Optimizer:3.3.9

Installation Guide: Read more