123systems – $10/Year 128MB Yearly Linux VPS Special

March 21, 2011 by · 2 Comments 

123Systems recently added a new plan (Linux-128MB-Special), Prices are:$10/Year,$20/2 Years,$30/3 Years.This plan includes the following features:

Instant Setup!
Guaranteed RAM: 128MB
Burstable RAM: 128MB
Disk Space: 5GB
Bandwidth: 250GB/Month
1 IP Address
SolusVM Control Panel

You can order this package at this below link:


This package is an official package and will has no expiration date, It applies to all new and/or existing customers.


2 Responses to “123systems – $10/Year 128MB Yearly Linux VPS Special”
  1. Jay says:

    Please be aware that if you host irc servers on these vps, they will suspend it :once: saying that they got some report that your server is hosting bots, when this isnt true at all.

    Secondly they will suspend it in a few days without any notice.

    So there you go. You cant argue with them that you dont host c&c bots on your servers. they will simply suspend your account. No bargains. No refunds. No emails. No notification. Nothing at all.

    Jay – Ex 123system User


  2. alan says:

    Well i have to say that 123systems has defiantly gone down hill since i joined them a year ago.. One vps has been of line for over a week now and every support ticket has mysteriously vanished from their support system. Have even emailed Andrew direct and he has not replied to to two emails.. Wish i had not renewed with them a couple of weeks ago.


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