PhotonVPS 50% off first month! 10% off recurring!

June 30, 2010 by · Leave a Comment 

PhotonVPS features an array of High Performance Enterprise VPS solutions to meet the needs of any prospective customer. A wide range of our Enterprise VPS include OpenVZ, Xen, Windows, and Hyper-V virtualization which can be used for the following:

VPN Tunnel, PPTP, Email Server for Work Group, Intranet System, Database, Game Server MMORPG, General Websites, Webhosting, Reseller Hosting and MORE!

HALFOFF– 50% off first month!
TENOFF– 10% off recurring !

For detailsplease click here.

UnixBench SCORE:

OpenVZ – BEAM1

BYTE UNIX Benchmarks (Version 4.1-wht.2, 8 threads)
TEST                                        BASELINE     RESULT      INDEX

Dhrystone 2 using register variables        376783.7 27683286.2      734.7
Double-Precision Whetstone                      83.1     1033.0      124.3
Execl Throughput                               188.3    19710.9     1046.8
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks         2672.0   473664.0     1772.7
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks           1077.0   102737.0      953.9
File Read 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks        15382.0  2618294.0     1702.2
Pipe-based Context Switching                 15448.6  1347337.8      872.1
Pipe Throughput                             111814.6  4583813.7      409.9
Process Creation                               569.3    55117.5      968.2
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent)                    44.8     2647.1      590.9
System Call Overhead                        114433.5  5247754.3      458.6
FINAL SCORE                                                     717.2

Xen – WARP1

BYTE UNIX Benchmarks (Version 4.1-wht.2, 8 threads)

TEST                                        BASELINE     RESULT      INDEX

Dhrystone 2 using register variables        376783.7 40690118.9     1079.9
Double-Precision Whetstone                      83.1     1551.2      186.7
Execl Throughput                               188.3     7017.1      372.7
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks         2672.0   166557.0      623.3
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks           1077.0    44901.0      416.9
File Read 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks        15382.0  1600322.0     1040.4
Pipe-based Context Switching                 15448.6   517198.6      334.8
Pipe Throughput                             111814.6  1929224.4      172.5
Process Creation                               569.3    18161.2      319.0
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent)                    44.8     2475.2      552.5
System Call Overhead                        114433.5  2657852.8      232.3

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