LNMP – A tool to auto-compile & install & manage Nginx+MySQL+PHP on Linux

January 21, 2010 by · 3 Comments 

LNMP is a tool to auto-compile & install & manage Nginx+MySQL+PHP on Linux.

The current version : 0.3 ,Now support Linux distribution : CentOS 4.8~5.4 32/64bit,  Debian 4.0~5.0  32bit/64bit ,Ubuntu.

The programme installed in LNMP:
Zend Optimizer:3.3.9

Installation Guide:

1.Install on CentOS
First Download lnmp ,Run the command : wget http://soft.vpser.net/lnmp/lnmp0.3.tar.gz , Then decompress lnmp0.3.tar.gz Run the command : tar zxvf lnmp0.3.tar.gz
Run the command : cd lnmp0.3
Run ./centos.sh then enter the domain name, press Enter key twice. The programme will auto-complie and install Nginx,MySQL,PHP,Zend Optimizer.

2.Install on Debian
First Download lnmp ,Run the command : wget http://soft.vpser.net/lnmp/lnmp0.3.tar.gz , Then decompress lnmp0.3.tar.gz Run the command : tar zxvf lnmp0.3.tar.gz
Run the command : cd lnmp0.3
If you Debian is 32bit please run ./debian.sh else run ./debian64bit.sh. then enter the domain name, press Enter key twice. The programme will auto-complie and install Nginx,MySQL,PHP,Zend Optimizer.

3.Install eaccelerator
If you want to use eaccelerator please run ./eaccelerator.sh the programme will auto-compile and install.

4.VirtualHost Management
1). Add VirtualHost: run ./vhost.sh Prompted to enter the domain name you want to binding, press Enter key, and then enter the directory to be bound (absolute directory, such as /home/wwwroot/lnmp).
2). More feature under development.


3 Responses to “LNMP – A tool to auto-compile & install & manage Nginx+MySQL+PHP on Linux”
  1. kangzj says:

    Ohho~~Thanks for the auto-installer!


    Licess Reply:

    Thanks for supporting.


  2. Showfom says:

    I’ll promote it.


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